Mr. Man 555 Marked Playing Card Deck
750.0 ৳550.0 ৳ -
Rolex mylar spring flower for magician 200.0 ৳
Card to Match box magic tricks 50.0 ৳
Mouse to watermelon magic tricks 350.0 ৳
Motu Patlu Magic Pad magic tricks 60.0 ৳
Flash Paper (25 x 20CM)
300.0 ৳ 100.0 ৳
“You will get 1 sheet of flash paper per pack approx size 25cm x 20cm. Our flash paper is perfect with any hand flasher, flash gun, wand & any other device. This paper burns with a brilliant flame without any ash. You can write on this flash paper using a sharpie, ballpoint pen, pencil & and without slowing the flash paper down.
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CompareModel No. G0005
You will get 1 sheet of flash paper per pack approx size 25cm x 20cm. We have been Sales flash paper for over 3 years, supplying Tv & film Companies along with magic dealers around the world. Our flash paper is perfect with any hand flasher, flash gun, wand & any other device. This paper burns with a brilliant flame without any ash. You can write on this flash paper using a sharpie, ballpoint pen, pencil & and without slowing the flash paper down.
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