Mr. Man 555 Marked Playing Card Deck
750.0 ৳550.0 ৳ -
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color pen prediction 2 | রঙিন কলমের ভবিষ্যৎ বানী
12,000.0 ৳ 10,000.0 ৳
The performers and the audience stand back to back and the audience is asked to color the different markers with different colors (eg square, circle, etc.) The performer can duplicate the viewer's choice of colors.”
1 in stock
Comparecolor pen prediction 2 | রঙিন কলমের ভবিষ্যৎ বানী
“A performance:
There are five different colors of pen in the pen holder. The performer provided an uncolored picture, selecting a viewer and having the paintbrush of the pen picked up by the viewer paint a specific part of the drawing (different colors are applied to different parts of the drawing each time). The performer turns back (and can wear a blinder) and does not know which color pen the viewer will choose, or what color the audience will use the pen to paint on the graph. When the drawing is complete, the envelope, which is shown by the audience throughout the entire process, is opened and the predicted color of the drawing in the envelope exactly matches the viewer’s choice.
Second performance:
The performers and the audience stand back to back and the audience is asked to color the different markers with different colors (eg square, circle, etc.) The performer can duplicate the viewer’s choice of colors.”
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